Media owner and operator: Dr. Julia Ecker
Office: Opernring 7/18, 1010 Wien, T: +43 1 581 35 39, F: +43 1 581 35 39-99,
Bank Account: IBAN: AT34 1200 0100 2597 6597, BIC: BKAUATWW
Escrow account: IBAN: AT77 1200 0100 2599 2701, BIC: BKAUATWW
Value-added tax identification number: Dr. Julia Ecker – UID No.: ATU73860823
Professional title: Attorney (Rechtsanwältin)
Member state where professional title was granted: Austria
Attorney’s Code: R166573
Responsible supervisory body: Vienna Regional Bar, Rotenturmstraße 13, 1010 Wien
Professional regulations: Lawyers‘ Act (RAO), Disciplinary Statute for Lawyers and Candidate Lawyers (DSt), Guidelines for the Exercise of the Lawyers’ Profession (RL-BA), Lawyers‘ Fees Act, General Fee Criteria
Access to the above provisions: The website of the Austrian Bar, the website of the Regional Bar Vienna as well as the Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria provide detailed information on the professional regulations governing the work of Austrian lawyers. Object of the undertaking of the media owner and operator: to provide legal advice and to represent clients
Object of the undertaking of the media owner and operator: to provide legal advice and to represent clients
Basic direction: presenting the object of the undertaking; information about Dr. Julia Ecker and her work as an attorney; information on specializations, lecturing activities, publications and cooperation; promoting the protection of fundamental and human rights, especially concerning the law on aliens and asylum law.